For some reason, I am not able to add photos to this will post without. Perhaps I have exceeded the maximum allowed photos?
That always remains to be seen. My first paycheck of the year was dismal due to the new taxes and what not as a product of our government not being able to govern so this year money will again be even more difficult to come up with.
My sister Stef was in from Utah as of the day after Christmas so after work on 12-26-12 I headed over to sister Joan's house for a few hours to visit with Stef and the rest of my siblings. I brought along my Christmas Baskets of homemade goodies as the only Christmas presents. I don't believe much in Christmas and try to make my gifts "one of a kind" and hand made by me.
On 12-29-12 I attended my final volunteer workday for the FPDWC for the 2012 year at Messenger Woods. We had a very large group of Scouts so things were pretty "high speed".
On 12-30-12 Stef came over for a visit and we took a nice walk at LaPorte Road Access and sat and chatted. I also did some work around the house including making some more homemade jams.
New Years Eve I was at work, of course, and went to bed early as I was due to be at Lincoln Park Zoo the next day for the Polar Bear Plunge.
The next day I was off due to what day of the week the holidays fell on so I got up early to take the Christmas tree down and found that some of the voluteers for the FPDWC were headed out to Hickory Creek Barrens to work on the clone area. I definitely wanted to be there for some of the final clean ups of the clone. I spent about 5 hours on 1-2-13 working hauling logs and cutting invasives at the is starting to look good but there are a lot more standing dead that still have to come down.
Yesterday there was no workday but we had our semi-annual Resource Management volunteer meeting so that ate up the morning. On the way back from the meeting I stopped in at Lowe's and Michaels for some supplies for projects. I also made a batch of blueberry jam when I got home...I am getting pretty efficient at that. I also worked on the holster for the Bespin Luke blaster and another sculpt I am making and then will make a mold of for the Hoth Trooper costume. Today is just continuing to work on projects and doing laundry and what not.