I have also been finishing up the garden clean up. I finally pulled up the last of the tomato plants and the vegetable garden. I think I finished just in time as it is really cold this morning and possible frost. I took the last of the tomatoes and made a final batch of Whimpy Ass Salsa and also took a bunch of the berries I had put in the freezer and made Triple Berry jam.
Sunday was the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. This year it moved from Aurora to St. Charles and a new walking venue. I liked this years venue a lot more than schlepping around the Chicago Premium Outlet Mall as we have done the past 7 years.
We had a great bunch of costumes on hand this year and our team came in as the top fundraiser.
I ended up the top individual fundraiser. That was weird because I have had larger fundraising totals in years past and was never the top fundraiser. MSABC has been expanding the last couple years and adding walks so I guess that is why I did better in the "standings". It doesn't matter where one falls in the overall race for donations...the important thing is that one does what they can. I wore my X-Wing Pilot costume on Sunday and am ever grateful that I have lost enough weight the last year that this costume is once again more comfortable.

There was a time not too long ago that I could barely zip up the flightsuit and that was bumming me out. The flightsuit is now much more loose but I would love to lose more weight. One of the things I bought on my birthday was a Billy Blanks Bootcamp DVD (for 2 whole dollars...lol.) and went through it once and plan to add it to my "rotation". I have no delusions that I will ever be 128 pounds again, but it is still great to start feeling a little better about myself....old wrinkly face aside.
I did another workday on October 12th and the chainsaw was still behaving itself. I did, however, hit another piece of barbed wire and that is not good for the chain. We are working in yet another new area of the Preserve. I am getting a little frantic at having so many areas "under construction". It is hard to keep up. I am hoping that the FPDWC gets my site burned this fall as that makes going out to work in areas a LOT easier.