The epic flooding this spring is what I hope was the culprit. I also managed a batch of "Whimpy Ass Salsa" from the first box full of tomatoes. This morning I made Chokeberry jam from the berries from my tree. God, getting those berries to give up juice took an act of god.
Today will be more garden clean up. I also have been trying to get more of my low voltage lighting back lighting up the garden path. So many of them are burned out or shorted out. I had to buy a new transformer because one of the two transformers in the yard has been burned out for a couple years now. The new transformer is working but I can't seem to get all the fixtures to light.
I also led a hike for Wild Ones Of Will County yesterday. Wild Ones is an organization that promotes native plantings instead of introduces species. The walk lasted over 2 hours and I hope that the participants came away with something from the walk. I do know that it was a great opportunity to showcase the work that all of the FPDWC volunteers have done over the past 22 years. Much of the ground we covered was areas that the volunteers have worked extensively.
I also paid a visit to Lockport Prairie to see the sign that honors Dick Wunderlich which was finally installed. We waited 7 years for that sign, and it was worth the wait. Whoever designed it really did present a total picture.
I haven't done much in the way of Star Wars events this year but did have a chance to do a couple recently.

I took a half day vacation on Friday 8-15-14 to do an event at Advocate Children's Hospital. Since there was no other R2D2 available, I did bring my Artoo. I loaded up Artoo the night before and then drove into the Service Dept at work to assemble him. While he was there, I took some photos of him in the shop. They came out pretty funny. If you bring an Astromech to a Service Dept and don't get photos....well...that is like missing half the fun.
I also got suited up in my new Jedi costume at work rather than at the Hospital. At 10:00 AM, we loaded up Artoo in the back of the Parts Van and I rode in the back with him to make sure he was upright. We arrived at the Hospital, met up with the others that were there that day and started to maker our rounds to the floors to visit the kids that are patients. It is always a gut wrenching experience to see those kids and their families. Some are just so sick, pale and thin that it is heartbreaking.