I have completed the flak vest (finally) and today I begin work on the flightsuit. I also completed the ejection harness and belt. So, it is coming along, but the flightsuit is going to be very difficult indeed. I have a tailor that is supposed to come over today to help me to modify the generic flightsuit pattern that I have. Where I have modified patterns in the past, it has mostly been a trial and error thing. It will be GREAT to have someone show me the right way to do it and to take some up to date body measurements on me. Things seem to have shifted a lot on my body as I have gotten older. So, where I have gotten a lot done, there is still a LOT to go.
The night before the MSABC, I attended my 50th Grammar School reunion at Gaelic Park in Tinley Park. I was hesitant to go at first because the reality is that in grammar school I was fat, poor (which means I never had the latest of anything...lol.) and anything but popular. I wasn't sure I really wanted to re-live that period of my life. I sucked it up and went anyway. I did find it very interesting and pleasant. I did a lot more listening than talking because I really didn't have that much to talk about that would actually interest anyone else. Fortunately, some of the folks I graduated with had seen my Facebook page so they did know what I have been up to.
As always, I have done a bunch of restoration workdays for the Forest Preserve and have also been busy at work shutting down my garden for the season. I remember when I planted the garden I thought to myself that I will be again "shutting it down" before I knew it...and sure enough...that seems to be the case-the year has flown by.
I am still no closer to deciding what to do about retirement...there are so many factors to take into consideration and it becomes a question of how long will one live? Obviously, none of us has an answer to that. You don't want to retire too early and outlive your funds and you don't want to wait too long so that you have little time to enjoy retirement.
I have also been doing a ton of jam making because fresh cranberries have been in the store. I finished 2 batches of each of Spiced Cranberry, Cran-Raspberry and Cranberry Orange. Soon it will be time to start the Christmas baking.