Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17, 2013

Cripe, it seems like I just posted to my blog and now looking, it has been another month! 

Sad as it is, Christmas is coming a LOT faster than I would like.  I usually have a few things done by now, but this year I have NADA.  Today is the day I at least start baking as I have some stuff I mail out to my sister and godchild in Utah.  I also plan to get out to do what little Christmas shopping I actually do.  I give homemade gifts mostly and buy a few things for our Schulte Christmas dice game.

It has, as always, been a busy month.  I have tried to get out to do as many restoration workdays as I can and also have spent some Tuesdays at my restoration site.  This coming week I will be off on Wednesday instead of Tuesday because I have to take my dreaded Ill Dept of Ag Pesticide Applicator and General Standards tests.  I have to go to the north side of Chicago to do that and am NOT looking forward to that.  So today I plan to do more studying for that in between doing laundry, baking and a myriad of other tasks.

I did get to the movies last Tuesday (because the weather was bad) and saw "Ender's Game".  I really enjoyed it and the ending was a bit unexpected. 

On 10-26-13 I loaded up Artoo and went to Bartlett to a photo shoot for Tusken Raiders.  The MWG gathered up 17 Tuskens in a remote gravel area in Bartlett and had a professional photographer there. 

The weather was nice, a bit cool but not bad for late October.  It was amazing to see all of those costumes.  I just wore my Rebel Tech costume because I was Artoo's handler.  They didn't use Artoo as much as I thought they would, but I guess I was still glad that I brought him along as I did get a few good photos with Artoo and one of the little Jawas.

Last Saturday, I had a Star Wars event that is close to my heart.  We did the Max Lacewell Foundation Gala in Woodridge.  We were there as a group to be auctioned off for charity. 

The winning bid for an appearance by us Star Wars geeks was $750.00. 

One thing this year is that it seems that the fall colors were especially vivid.  I took some time last Sunday to take a walk at Hickory Creek Barrens and capture the great fall color.  I don't walk at HCB just to walk, most of the time I am working on something, but for this day all I brought with me was a camera. 

I sent a couple of the photos to the Nature Conservancy as they were looking for photos of natural areas.  I don't expect that they will use mine, but it didn't hurt to try.

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