I went to Joan's for a few hours on Christmas Eve which proved to be a challenge as I could not get into the Jeep as it was frozen shut and I dumped Jim's basket of goodies all over the driveway. Some of the glass canning jars broke and I had to re-do his. Then I could not keep the door on the Jeep closed because the latch was stuck. But after getting that working again I was finally off to Joan's. Christmas Day I spent at home just taking care of a bunch of things and then watched a movie.

Yesterday we had our annual FPDWC Resource Management meeting. It was disappointing to see that there were no new faces. It was really just the "Usual Suspects". I shoveled snow when I got home from the meeting as I knew more snow was on the way today. It was warm yesterday by comparison of what it is supposed to be the next two days. Record cold is coming this way and it snowed again last night. I will probably head out when it gets light out and shovel again move the Jeep and plug in the engine block heater. With the really cold weather, I have been going through gasoline like crazy and a great deal of my paycheck is going into the gas tank.
The 21st Annual Frozen Butts Workday is coming up on January 18th and it would appear that I will be having the Pot Luck here at my house so today I start some massive "spring cleaning". I need to tackle the incredible amount of paperwork that I seem to accumulate on my kitchen counter all the time. I also need to do some serious dusting and general tidy up of the place as I will need all the room I can get my hands on to accommodate people. I will need to also rent some tables and chairs and I think I found a really local place to do that. I also need to tackle clean up of my computer. Usually at the beginning of the year I transfer all of the "stuff" I have accumulated in the computer to one of the flash drives.
So....Happy New Year and I certainly hope 2014 is better than 2013 - but somehow I don't think this will be a good year and it certainly is starting off pretty bad in the weather department.
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