May the 4th Be With You!
The last month has been uber busy, as always.

On 4-11-14 I was called in the AM to assist when the FPDWC decided to burn Hickory Creek Barrens. That day the weather was much warmer and that is usually a problem for me as I tire quickly in the warm temperatures. That burn went fairly quickly also and a good portion of the preserve got a much needed clean out. There were several areas that I would have liked to see burned, but either it was not in the plan for the day or the areas simply didn't catch because of too much water.
I stayed behind to monitor burning piles and what not after the crew left and got a surprise on the east end as one of the runners on the trail told me about a fire advancing toward the trail. I knew that the fire would not go anywhere, but people tend to get a little crazy when they see woods I used my feet to make a fire line and then stamped out the flames as they got small when they hit that line.
I had intended to go to C2E2 only on Saturday, but as usual, many other things came into play and flushed my plan down the toilet. The main thing was that Saturday of C2E2 was also the big Comcast Community Workday at Whalon Lake and my chainsaw services were needed for that. So, I ended up going to C2E2 on Friday and Sunday.
On Friday I got down to McCormick Place REALLY early as we were asked to appear on the CBS 2 Morning News which starts at 5:00 AM. I ended up getting downtown at around 4:00 AM and made my way to meet up with the rest. Suffice it to say it was an interesting morning. The live tapings for the the news ended at 7:00 AM and then I had many hours to kill before the Con opened at 11:00 AM.

I returned to C2E2 on Sunday and was supposed to do the "Running of the Hoods". Unfortunately, one of the other Hoods didn't make it and the 3rd Hood had already done it on Saturday, so I didn't get a chance to run with my ice cream maker. I really felt bad about missing that as it looked like the Saturday Hoods had a great time of it. I wore my X-Wing Pilot on Sunday in case we actually did do the Running of the Hoods.
I have been doing a little work in the yard, but not much. I did sow the carrot, beet and turnip seeds in the vegetable garden and they are up. I also mowed the lawn for the first time and planted a bunch of milkweed plants that I had ordered awhile back. The milkweeds are an effort to attract more Monarch butterflies to my yard and give them some additional larval food sources.
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