Today is a beautiful fall day and some of the days I love so much. Where I don't like the fact that it gets dark early and stays dark in the morning, one has to go with the flow of the seasons.

Last Sunday I did the "Best Evah 5K" event again. This was a fundraiser for the Max Lacewell Foundation. We had fewer participants this year, but still a nice, short trooping event. I wore my Endor Trooper for this event and I chose that because there was a Scout Trooper along. Always like to do the yin/yan thing with Rebel and Imperial costumes.
I have been working on finishing up the fall garden clean up and am really in pretty good shape thus far. I am almost done with the cutting down of things and have distributed some of the season's compost. This morning I mowed and also took in the last of the geraniums that were outside. We did get a frost last night and some of the tender stuff got hit. Thankfully, the geraniums I have are pretty hardy and didn't show any damage so I was able to cut them back and bring them inside.
Last week was my birthday and as always, it was completely un-eventful. I treated myself to a movie again on Tuesday. I was debating whether to see "Left Behind" or go see "Guardians of the Galaxy" again. Guardians won out as "Left Behind" looked interesting...but a bit depressing and I was depressed enough.
And, the big news on the home front. On October 28th this old house gets new window! I shopped around and contracted to have Home Depot install new replacement windows in the house. Got the place measured and the install will be next Tuesday. I have lived in my house since 1986 and one thing that I hated about the place was the windows. They were old and drafty and one has been broken for several years. They have those crappy triple track storm windows that are a nightmare to clean so I seldom washed the windows. Also, some of them take an act of god to open and I have scraped and puttied and repainted them several times. Where I can't afford the windows at this time, will I ever really be able to? So I just decided to go for it and got 1 year "same as cash" financing.
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