NO....I have not seen the new Star Wars movie yet! I hope to go on Tuesday. Things have been rather rough the last couple weeks. I have had a lot of SW events lately, and suffice it to say that the experiences at them have not been awe inspiring. I did not finish my Force Awakens X-wing pilot and more or less have put the costume away. I don't know that I will bother to finish. Where I have known for several years now that short and old women get little love in the galaxy far, far away, the point has been driven home a LOT lately and I realize that my time in costuming is probably over. Some say to make the new Leia costume, but early reviews of the character lead me to believe that there is little interest in her or her costume. There is supposed to be a new female X-Wing Pilot in the new movie, but, as always....she is young and pretty...two things that I am not.

But, moving forward, I did make an appearance at the Bridgeview ToyCon event that I have done every year since 2004. This time I wore my Imperial Gunner costume since I don't wear that much and it is an easy trooping event so I can wear the helmet for brief periods of time without the fan (which broke) before things get so steamed up under there that I can't see.

Next, I did a marathon for the Toys For Tots event at Martino Jr. High in New Lenox. On 12-9 (Thursday night) I hauled the Hoth Vidscreen, Artoo, and a costume to the gym at Martino and set up the entire thing. Friday after work, I went home, got suited up and made my way to the event to "appear" from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

The next day it was back to Martino to costume the event from 10:00 AM till 1:00 PM.
On Friday, I wore my Rebel Fleet Trooper costume which got absolutely no "love". On Saturday I decided to wear what I had completed of my Episode 7 X-Wing costume. That costume generated zero interest as well.
Experiences at these events plus a few other events have just not been great. Where I have always made costumes that I like and the rest of the world be damned, I have come to learn that the only one interested in these costumes is me and that does not lend itself to a great experience.
Work has been difficult, and the lack of interest in my costumes led me to just bail out of the movie premier and all of the associated costume events.
Yesterday I did another restoration workday and came home tired and full of pain. I also had my ulcers just go crazy for a time at the workday but worked my way through the pain. Today I am taking this rather hideous Star Wars sweatshirt and making it more ugly for a contest at work on ugly sweater contest. If it goes well, I should win hands down! The sweatshirt on the right is the "base" I am starting is plenty ugly!!
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